Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cheesy, Creamy Bacon Alfredo

Tonight I was lazy. 
I should have/ could have started dinner ages ago,
and came up with something spectacular.
instead, I hunted for blogs that had good dinner ideas....
and didn't come up with much
(though I'm sure there are plenty of good dinner blogs).

In an attempt to start my own little recipe book, I've created my OWN dinnery diary.
I just need a way to document what I've done before, what I liked, and what I do differently...Plus I need a place of inspiration for nights that almost resorted to pizza (like tonight)

Not that I profess to be a 4-star restaurant chef, by any means ....
I'm more of the throw everything together and see what you get type.

So tonight, I found a quick, easy pasta recipe online and I modified it a bit.
Sometimes I'll post pictures - but not tonight...yoga in 30 mins :)

It's garlicky, rich, and salty.

3/4 C Sour cream
3/4 C Chicken broth
1/4 C Parmesan cheese
1/4 C mozzarella, cheddar, or anything else
4 strips of bacon (I used turkey bacon)
1 tsp garlic
Noodles - (all I had were spagghetti)
Red Pepper Flakes
Cayenne Pepper

*Served with green beans and Meg's Famous Lemonade, Of Course! (so named by Ben and Rachel)
*Notes for next time: I repeat, it is VERY rich and salty. Perhaps try chicken instead of bacon - this will cut down on the saltiness factor. Also, a reduced fat Sour cream, or less Cheese. Add more Cayenne pepper for me (less for adam)
Also, because it is SO rich, you don't need that much sauce on dat dere noodles....could prob cut the recipe in half and be OK when serving for 2.
Also, also... broccolli? yeah?

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